Turkey Apple Scramble

Turkey Apple Scramble

Courtesy of National Turkey Federation 1 Servings • 10 Min. Prep Time • 10 Min. Cook Time
2 Tbsp. butter, clarified (divided)
1 Tbsp. red onion, diced
1 Granny Smith apple, cored and cut into thin wedges
4 oz. cooked turkey breast, diced
1/8 tsp. fresh thyme leaves PLUS sprigs for garnish
salt and pepper, to taste
2 eggs, beaten
1 Tbsp. walnuts, toasted and coarsely chopped


1. Heat 1 Tbsp. clarified butter over medium-high heat. Sauté onion and apple until soft.

2. Add turkey, toss to heat. Add pinch of thyme, salt and pepper. Keep warm.

3. Whip eggs as for scrambled eggs.

4. In a separate skillet, heat remaining butter over medium-high heat. Add whipped eggs, stirring until evenly cooked. Remove from heat.

5. Transfer eggs onto serving plate, forming a ring. Place turkey/apple mixture in center. Top with walnuts and thyme.

This recipe was developed by Executive Chef Merv Minich of Nebraska City, NE. It won the 2000 award for "We're Cookin' with Turkey" Recipe Competition.

Wine Pairings:

Zinfandel, Riesling/Rhine, Chardonnay